Description: Attack of the 50 foot gingerbread man! Monster gingerbread man smashing though a gingerbread village.
Description: Italy's Epiphany tradition, the Santa Claus-eques witch, La Befana soaring the night skies.
Description: Jólakötturinn, the Icelandic Yule cat, is on the prowl looking for people who have not received any new clothes to wear before Christmas Eve!
Description: Cute Christmas witch baking gingerbread cookies then using her magic to turn them into "live" zombies.
Description: Cute Christmas witch baking gingerbread cookies then using her magic to turn them into "live" zombies.
Description: My New Years witch in black and gold with champagne to ring in the New Year. "Happy New Years, Witches."
Description: Christmas Pudding covers in the Souls of Christmas Past. For a spooky take on the holidays and people with a touch of the macabre.
Description: My Christmas moose. Line art of a moose with Christmas ornaments and snow and Merry "Christmoose."
Description: Santa's notorious reindeer: Slayer. He gets into a bit of trouble. Line art of a perhaps evil reindeer for Christmas.
Description: Illustrations of unusual Christmas characters: La Befana (Italy), Tió de Nadal (Spain), Kallikantzaroi (Greece), The Yule Goat (Sweden), Father Frost (Russia), Maril Wyd (Wales), Père Fouettard (France), Krampus (Germany), and the Yule Cat (Iceland). Illustrations are based on vintage designs.
Description: Fun for the holidays! My Honduran white bat in the Christmas Santa hat with a large clematis leaf and a starry night background.