Description: Pterosaurs lovers + Zombie lovers = zombie pterodactyls! Kawaii pterodactyls zombiefied.
Description: Dinosaurs lovers + Zombie lovers = zombie triceratops! Kawaii triceratops prorsus zombiefied.
Description: I Heart (love) Stoats and and their berserker behavior. Hand-drawn stoat covered in blood with blood dripping from it's teeth.
Description: Illustration of a birdhouse with bluebird and the rood covered in guano -- and the bird actively decorating it. The birdhouse is based on a photo taken by Meg MacDonald.
Description: Illustration of the King Vulture, Sarcoramphus papa. These large vulture have white eyes.
Description: My illustration of the lesser yellow-headed vulture also known as the Savannah vulture.
Description: My private little reef with different corals, anemones, and sea life. The reef includes a giant clam, zebra moray eel, banded coral shrimp, sea star, clown fish, mandarinfish, longnose butterfly, banner fish, gamma fish, Angelfish, Pacific stinging sea nettle, sea snail, sea urchins, tube coral, brain coral, shelf coral, lettuce coral, and more. You probably wouldn't find all these in the same biome in nature but you can in this original illustration. Original artwork.
Description: My little orange crab ready to pinch you with "feeling crabby" -- let everyone know how you're feeling.
Description: My fantasy take on the very real Dracula Parrot, aka Pesquet's parrot or vulturine parrot. My version has a red eye and a taste for blood.