My Mushroom Adventure Series all together. Six different types of mushrooms, all featuring stick figure adventures: bungee jumping, ziplining, golfing, helicopter riders, hang gliding, and fishing.
Golfing on bracket fungus, Trametes versicolor. Golfers on different tier of this colorful shelf mushroom. Part of my Mushroom Adventure Series.
Fishing on a Hydnellum peckii. These mushrooms have lots of great common names: strawberries and cream, bleeding Hydnellum, bleeding tooth fungus, red-juice tooth, and the Devil's tooth. Mushroom Adventure Series.
Bungee jumpers jumping off the Laccaria amethystine, commonly known as the amethyst deceiver mushroom. Part of my Mushroom Adventure Series.
Ziplining between colorful mushrooms. The mushrooms are based on the tiny Mycena Oregonensis mushrooms. Part of the Mushroom Adventure Series.
Celebrate your birth month in style. November's flower is the yellow chrysanthemum. Paired with a decorated crow. Great gift for November babies.
Celebrate your birth month in style. October's flower is the orange marigold. Paired with a decorated bear skull. Great gift for October babies.