Description: Line art of water hemlock. Fun for Halloween.
Description: Scary scarecrow holding a broken lantern. Raven on shoulder. Line art, two color.
Description: My mouse in his hole line art with "Doing my pest."
Description: Oriole nest in black and white line art with the oriole in a splash of orange.
Description: My fantasy take on the very real Dracula Parrot, aka Pesquet's parrot or vulturine parrot. My version has a red eye and a taste for blood.
Description: My Vulturine Guineafowl line art. Very cool looking bird in line art style.
Description: My eagle line art in black and white with yellow eye and beak.
Description: Line art of a timber wolf hiding in the autumn woods.
Description: Ah, it's autumn and Halloween. Illustration of a pumpkin being smashed and splattered.
Description: My digital inked octopus coming at you for a big old hug.
Description: My illustration of the rare dragon fossil.
Description: Easter is coming...are you ready? My evil bunny is waiting in the flowers for you.
Description: My Ocellated Turkey in highlighting all bright colorful bird. For Thanksgiving, harvest days, and fall.
Description: Illustrations of unusual Christmas characters: La Befana (Italy), Tió de Nadal (Spain), Kallikantzaroi (Greece), The Yule Goat (Sweden), Father Frost (Russia), Maril Wyd (Wales), Père Fouettard (France), Krampus (Germany), and the Yule Cat (Iceland). Illustrations are based on vintage designs.
Description: Line art illustration pumpkins in and around a wooden wagon.
Description: Illustration of a Chinese junk and mountains and their reflections.