Description: Colorful rainbow typography with "red write repeat." Perfect for writers.
Description: Pumpkin Spice Season with my pumpkin spice latte surrounded by ghosts, jack-'o-lanterns and a bat.
Description: Kitty cat in a typewriter that's in a pumpkin patch and the words: write. edit. repeat. Perfect fall gift for the writer.
Description: Funny definition of edit in dictionary style: The art of making things sound less terrible.
Description: Funny definition of a writer in dictionary style: Someone who spends hours crafting sentences only to delete them and start over.
Description: My coffee witch brewing up a big cauldron of coffee. A coffee plant growing out of a skull nearby. Brewing spells and coffee!
Description: Retro typography with "write edit repeat." Perfect for writers.
Description: "Alien" in university text in green, black, and white. Makes for a fun Halloween costume.
Description: "Ghost" in university text in orange, black, and white. Makes for a fun Halloween costume.
Description: "Werewolf" in university text in orange, black, and white. Makes for a fun Halloween costume.
Description: "Vampire" in university text in orange, black, and white. Makes for a fun Halloween costume.
Description: "Dreamer" in university text in yellow, black, and white.
Description: "Witch" in university text in orange, black, and white.
Description: "Writer" in university text in blue, black, and white.
Description: "Artist" in university text in red, black, and white with black paint dripping on the 't'.
Description: My New Years witch in black and gold with champagne to ring in the New Year. "Happy New Years, Witches."
Description: My Christmas witch decorating (or destroying) a Christmas tree.
Description: My spring witch with evil flowers and butterflies.
Description: My winter witch with her white raven familiar and an evil snowman.
Description: My autumn witch with skeletal face, pumpkins and a jack-'o-lantern.
Description: My summer witch with her claw hand and her crab familiar. Int he background a lighthouse, the oceans, and sand.
Description: Grim Father Time for a funny New Year.
Description: Fun Christmas poinsettia with a dark past.
Description: Fun for the holidays. Gingerbread man zombie! Run, run as fast as you can... you'll never outrun the gingerbread man.
Description: Zombie turkey wants pumpkin pie for the holidays. It's here only for the pie!
Description: My Halloween pumpkin, jack-o'-lantern ghoulish girl.
Description: Cartoon black cat carving a pumpkin with pumpkin all over his face.
Description: Furry crab doing the old soft shoe...get it...soft shoe...soft-shelled crab.
Description: Zombie moose decorating a Christmas Tree.
Description: Suffering zombie unicorn Zombie on a surfboard.
Description: Punk Rock possum zombie ready to rock.
Description: Ballerina Polar Bear zombie in a pink tutu.
Description: Zombie lizard practicing Kung Fu.
Description: Zombie ferret barista with a cup of coffee.
Description: Zombie badger artist painting a masterpiece.
Description: Zombie crow working on a computer.