Description: A beautiful white dahlia with its head turned down. The play of light and shadow intrigue me as well as its melancholy.
Description: My autumn setting with the silhouette of a Maine Coon cat watching a butterfly and falling leaves in front of a full yellow moon.
Description: My Ocellated Turkey in highlighting all bright colorful bird. For Thanksgiving, harvest days, and fall.
Description: Illustrations of unusual Christmas characters: La Befana (Italy), Tió de Nadal (Spain), Kallikantzaroi (Greece), The Yule Goat (Sweden), Father Frost (Russia), Maril Wyd (Wales), Père Fouettard (France), Krampus (Germany), and the Yule Cat (Iceland). Illustrations are based on vintage designs.
Description: My digital illustration of a melanoid axolotl. These little guys are so cute. Axolotls are a critically endangered species.
Description: Beautiful blue hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. This was the Norris Geyser Basin.
Description: Walden Pond, Concord, Massachusetts, in the late summer. Fun fact: Walden Pond is actually a lake. It's actully a kettle hole that was formed by retreating glaciers 10,000–12,000 years ago!
Description: My illustration of the swamp cabbage. These hooded flowers have the creep factor nailed from looks to smell. Symplocarpus foetidus is known by many names: Skunk Cabbage, Clumpfoot Cabbage, Meadow Cabbage, Polecat Weed, and Swamp Cabbage. It is a stinky, smelly plant that grows in the wetlands in North America and parts of Asia. It flowers just above the mud keeping its stem buried below the surface. It’s a thermogenic plant, which means it has the ability to raise its temperature above that of the surrounding air. This allows it to melt snow and ice so it may bloom.